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Posts: 1
Registered: 05.10.2022
05.10.22 16:02:55
I am making a slideshow with audio of a particular length. It already fades in/out. But when I try to add transitions to my slideshow to create a fade in and fade out, my video is now a different length. I can't seem to drag the video to match the length of the audio.
1) Is there a way to overlay my audio with the video transitions? I don't think it will let me!
2) Is there a relatively easy way to match the length of the slideshow video to the audio? I tried to make the slideshow longer than the video, but every time I try to drag the cursor in the main video line, it changes things that I don't want, and it's very frustrating.
Posts: 255
Registered: 08.09.2009
11.10.22 13:18:12
To: stephanie_heigl@yahoo.ca

You can lock the line for audio mix before adding/deleting of transitions so that the audio doesn't change. You can also increase the duration of slides by the total time of all transitions to match the slides and audio.


audio duration: Da = 120 seconds
slides count: Cs = 24
transition duration: Dt = 2 seconds (default)

Slideshow without transitions:
duration of slides without transitions: Ds = Da / Cs = 120 / 24 = 5 seconds (as default)

Slideshow with transitions:
transitions count: Ct = slides count - 1 = 24 - 1 = 23
total transitions duration: Dtt = Ct * Dt = 23 * 2 = 46 seconds
total duration of static images: Dsi = Da - Dtt = 120 - 46 = 74 seconds
duration of one static image: D1si = Dsi / Cs = 74 / 24 = 3.083 seconds
duration of first and last slide with one transition: D1si + Dt = 3.083 + 2 = 5.083 seconds
duration of intermediate slides with two transitions: D1si + 2 * Dt = 3.083 + 2 * 2 = 7.083 seconds
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