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Posts: 2
Registered: 04.12.2008
04.12.08 10:09:52
I'm trying desperetly to put some video into this mp4 (u10), (sorry for my english)
I've been told that I can do it with the converter but I must first set the setting by opening preset and select the U10
the problem is that it doe'nt appear in the list
Is it because I've only got a trying version?
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
05.12.08 07:02:23
To: kikou613


I've been told that I can do it with the converter but I must first set the setting by opening preset and select the U10
the problem is that it doe'nt appear in the list.

Please make sure that you have the latest version of the AVS Video Converter 6. There is a special preset for the Iriver U10 in the Video Converter. Please:
1. Launch AVS Video Converter 6
2. Press To AVI button
3. Choose the iRiver U10 Clicx - (MPEG4, 560 kbps, 320x240,15fps) preset (see the attachment).

Is it because I've only got a trying version?

No, the trial version of the AVS Video Converter is absolutely functional. The single limitation, is our logo on the output file.

Best Regards
Attached files:
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.12.2008
07.12.08 11:20:15
To: Dam

Thank you so much
it's working
I just have to get the original version
How much its cost, how to get it
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
08.12.08 04:16:47
To: kikou613

We are glad the issue is solved.

How much its cost, how to get it

Please follow this link to our site for the registration page. You can also visit F.A.Q page for the detailed information about registration.

Best Regards
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