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Posts: 1
Registered: 13.02.2012
13.02.12 21:34:18
I am so upset with this product. I have downloaded twice and can not get the program to open. First time, Norton was turned on, second time it was turned off. Anyone got any ideas. Since AVS does not have phone tech support, I have no one to turn to.
I am somewhat of a novice and need HELP!!! Please
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
14.02.12 06:21:16
To: joyto the world2100


Your request is processed at our support system:

Best regards.
Posts: 20
Registered: 28.05.2012
29.05.12 07:52:15
It would also be nice to be specific with your problem so everyone can determine it easily.
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