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Registered: 08.09.2009
08.09.09 10:40:57
Following the helpfile, I created 12 markers in the edit mode (see help features, creating dvds with menus). When I close this,
and I click the menu-button, there are on the left hand 12 chapters but under de video-window only 6 chaptertabs.

When I use play (in the edit mode I can use next and prev buttons to adress all the 12 chapters), thats ok!

But when I choose Chapters (in menu mode) there are only six (in only two chapterwindows?). So it doesn't seem to work correctly.

After a testburning this was te same: the chaptermenu was not ok, when I choose play, I can navigate through all the chapters.

Also, there are no playbutton and HideEmulatorbutton in the Menu mode (there is no Remote Control Emulator at all!!!!) (see help features, creating dvds with menus).

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Registered: 22.01.2009
10.09.09 02:43:52
But when I choose Chapters (in menu mode) there are only six (in only two chapterwindows?). So it doesn't seem to work correctly.
There are 12 chapters with 6 chapter pages with two chapter buttons on each page. Currently AVS Video Converter allows you to create DVD menus with two chapter buttons on every chapter page only. However, we are planning to offer more options in the future versions of this program.

Also, there are no playbutton and HideEmulatorbutton in the Menu mode (there is no Remote Control Emulator at all!!!!) (see help features, creating dvds with menus).
Are you referring to the following online help section? If so, there is no reference to DVD menu emulator. Maybe you mean another AVS program?

If you would like to take advantage of the extended DVD menu editing functions, please try using AVS DVD Authoring.

Best regards
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