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Posts: 4
Registered: 30.10.2009
31.10.09 06:08:24
Have the latest version of AVS Video Converter
I have tried to convert several DVD's (Original movies) and the result is the same...
After a while the program crashes and an error report is created.

I have saved a screenshot and added the error report all together in a word document.
I'v been reading other topics about simular problems so i downloaded AVS System Info and ran a
complete test and also edded the results.

Can anyone help me ???

Attached files:
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
02.11.09 01:08:24
I have tried to convert several DVD's (Original movies) and the result is the same...
Try saving VIDEO_TS folder to your hard disc first and import VIDEO_TS.IFO into AVS Video Converter from HDD. Make sure the disc is not copy-protected.

Does the problem persist with DVD movies only? What if you take a file of a different format, ex. AVI, do you face the same problem?

Best regards
Posts: 4
Registered: 30.10.2009
02.11.09 11:54:42
To: nadin

I alwaysa copy DVD's to my harddisk first with a decrypter to ensure that the copyprotection is removed.
Then i check if de DVD is playing correctly from my harddisk.

I will now try to convert an AVI first to see if that works...

Posts: 4
Registered: 30.10.2009
04.11.09 12:57:28
Well i'v downloaded a few large avi's and divx files and converter them succesfully. Also tried a few other dvd's...these dvd's were already decrypted. Also succesfull. So i tried some of my original dvd's and they don't work. So now i'm wondering if this has anything to do with the decryption software that i'm using... DVD Decrypter If so, does anyone have another suggestion?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
04.11.09 23:16:05
To: Binky_01

Probably you could send us one of your DVD movies (the one that you fail to convert), I mean the whole VIDEO_TS folder. We'll do some testing and try to offer a solution. The instruction will be sent to you on the support page.

Also specify the OS you are using.

Posts: 4
Registered: 30.10.2009
10.11.09 10:30:04
To: nadin

Hi Madin,

I have uploaded one of my DVD to your FTP Site as requested and have named the folder ...FOR_NADIN.
I hope you can find an answer to my problem...

Kind regards,

Maarten Boer
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
19.11.09 04:49:02
To: Binky_01

Our testing team has done some testing on the file you have sent, but the bug was not reproduced. So try cleaning up AVS files:

1. Go Start> All Programs> AVS4YOU> Uninstall.

2. Go Start> Run... Print regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders.

3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:)> Documents and Settings> All Users>>Application Data>AVS4YOU (delete it).

Then install the latest version anew.

Hope this helps
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