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Posts: 2
Registered: 11.09.2020
10.09.23 02:50:20
I was makign a mock up of a video and it has frozen my work. I was editing 1 of the 5 lines of dialogue after 10 photos. I mouse over to the program tab and it all shows up but i cant click on it or make it full screen. I have been using this program for 10 years and I have not found a fix for this, i always have to remake the video if it was not saved by that point, but is there a way to fix it without having to remake 2 minutes of film and editing? I have learned to save quicker instead of having to remake things but this time i forgot. I have had this happen on both my 2011 laptop and my 2022 windows 11 laptop. If there is a fix please let me know. This forum has been great help the time my program file broke 4 years ago so thanks for that and cheers.
Posts: 38
Registered: 06.06.2023
12.09.23 07:47:49
To: IceBetweenEyeliner

Hello! Could you please contact us via AVS4YOU support service and describe the issue in detail attaching the video showing the situation? The link to the support system is below. Thank you.

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