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Posts: 1
Registered: 02.08.2008
02.08.08 06:11:38
Whats the best format to convert to? I have got WMV 9 Standard to work but the picture and sound are pretty average. Most of the other ones I have tried my Zen will not read. Thanks
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
04.08.08 04:27:30
To: rexikeck


In fact, we have special presets for ZEN in the AVS Video Converter 6 and in the AVS Video to Go. So, you can use that software for the convertion and uploading to your Zen.

To do it in the AVS Video Converter, please:
1. Launch AVS Video Converter and choose the input file
2. Press to WMV button
3. In the Prifile field, choose one of the presets for the Zen (see the attachment)
4. Convert Now!

To do it in the AVS Video to Go, please:
1. Launch AVS Video to Go and choose the input file
2. Set up audio and subtitles, press Next
3. In The devices list choose ZEN presets
4. Choose the destination path and file name
5. Start!

When the convertion is ready, you wil be proposed to upload video to ZEN.

Best Regards
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