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Posts: 18
Registered: 07.06.2009
07.06.09 23:58:00
Video Editor 4, How do you simply drop in a cutaway shot (No Sound) over the top of the main video. I don't want any transitions, just a straight cutaway of 3 seconds in duration whilst retaining the main sound track and duration of the original main video.

I have tried everything.

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
08.06.09 05:36:45
To: cargeo

You can add a video overlay to your video. Here is more information on this function.
Both videos and images can be added as overlays.

Hope you'll find it useful.

Best regards
Posts: 18
Registered: 07.06.2009
08.06.09 07:05:32
When I have tried this it appaears as a small screen overtop (Overlayed) of Main Video. I thought it was then logical to resize this to fit full frame. Once I have done this and played back the section I still get stuttering picture (running as though frames are missing, sort of running slow-mo).
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.06.09 02:04:06
To: cargeo

Does the main video stutter when there is no overlay added?
Or does the stuttering occur on a particular section where the overlay is applied only?

Please try saving the movie. Does the stuttering persist when you playback the saved video file? If not, this must be the preview problem. Note that the preview in Video Editor is not a player, it takes much more resources, as it allows you to preview the result of your work, i.e. all the transitions, effects, etc.

Posts: 18
Registered: 07.06.2009
15.06.09 06:40:37
To: nadin

Please define resourses, what do you mean by this?????? Are you refering to my computer ram (2 Meg) or what?????

Thanks for the reply
Posts: 18
Registered: 07.06.2009
15.06.09 06:51:07
To: cargeo

Dear Nadin
Yes the video only stutters when there is overlay added.

Why would I want to save to movie to view??? An editor is supposed to be an editor and you should be able to preview your cuts. I want to edit a music sequence so this product sounds as if this is not going to work and its not practicle to make a cut, save movie and then view playback.

You say that Video Editor allows you to preview the result of your work, no it doesn't! This is exactly what what I'm complaining about.

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
16.06.09 03:10:31
Why would I want to save to movie to view???
We have asked you to save the movie in order to check up whether this is the conversion problem or the stuttering persists during preview only - this is really important to know. If this is the latter case, there might be two reasons why this happens: either your PC system is not powerful enough (not enough RAM or video card capacity), or AVS Video Editor preview is incapable to play the files you have imported into the project correctly.

To clear up the issue we would therefore ask you to 1) attach full information on your PC system, 2) specify the format of the files added to the project (as main video and as overlay). You can open a file in AVS Video Converter, click on Advanced > File Information in order to view the complete information on file parameters (we'd appreciate if you attached the screenshots with parameters of both of the files here). This way we can do some testing and find out what is causing the problem.

However, as we are releasing the new version of AVS Video Editor soon (most likely, this month), the best case scenario for you would be to wait for the release, as the program performance has been much improved as compared to the current version and this problem must get resolved then.

Thank you for your parience.

Best regards
Posts: 18
Registered: 07.06.2009
17.06.09 07:03:32
To: nadin

Hi Guys
Here is a screen shot of my sytem info as requested.

As for Editor problems, I amd trying to convert MP4 to AVI for editing from Samsung F30 camera, not expensive but all I can afford at moment. The video converter says that it has tranfered successfully and then when I import and drag to into the movie it plays back stuttering.
Attached files:
Posts: 18
Registered: 07.06.2009
17.06.09 07:09:02
To: cargeo

Thought I should just add that the video stuttering happens on overlay only in Editor 4 (AVI and MP4 Format) and stutters completely on single shots for all coverted MP4 to AVI in Adobe Premier 7 (Elements Editor).
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
18.06.09 01:42:13
I amd trying to convert MP4 to AVI for editing from Samsung F30 camera, not expensive but all I can afford at moment. The video converter says that it has tranfered successfully and then when I import and drag to into the movie it plays back stuttering.
Why would you need to convert MP4 to AVI using AVS Video Converter first? You can import MP4 files directly into AVS Video Editor for editing.

As I have understood, you have added main video to your project (BTW, what is the format of the video? Is this the MP4 file from Samsung camera?) and then a 3 sec video overlay (part of the MP4 file?) resizing it to fill the screen. Please make sure the files you have imported can be correctly played in Windows Media Player or any other player installed on your PC.

Unfortunately, your actions are still not really clear. Please could you explain them in more detail, step by step.

Also, please use AVS System Info in order to generate a report and attach the report here. This would give us the complete information on your PC configuration.

Thank you
Posts: 18
Registered: 07.06.2009
18.06.09 02:22:07
To: nadin

Please read the former message in the thread, your comments might lead to upset forcustomers who have already written 10 or 12 help messages already.

1) The video stuttering happens on overlay in Editor 4 in AVI and MP4 Format replay. (I believe my system hardware etc to be up to spec as my AVI edits playback fine in Adobe Premier 7.
2) MP4 video plays intermittently on Adobe Premier 7 even when converted MP4 to AVI using AVI conversion software.
3) I want to still use Adobe Premier 7 because the editor is far superior to AVS Editor 4, also I have a new camera The Samsung F30 (MP4) and it's this format that I am complaining about using AVS conversion tool for Premier editing.
4) AVS Editor 4 needs main video to have a separate sound track, also needs better instruction of how to edit main video with out it syncing the cut into the sound track I have laid down (Tracks need to remain independent).

After working for 10 years as a tape editor for television, I am putting words and descriptions in a most simplistic form.

I appreciate you responding to my messages, I'm sure we might get there. Things are also exacerbated by AVS not having tutorials for Editor.4!!!!!

Please try to answer points 1 to 4 and explain which points you don't quite understand.
Last point, I can playback AVI source edited material in Premier 7 so I doubt if I have system deficiencies.

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
18.06.09 04:57:43
MP4 video plays intermittently on Adobe Premier 7 even when converted MP4 to AVI using AVI conversion software.

If the file is played intermittently not only in AVS Video Editor, but in the other third-party programs as well the problem must be that the file is not correct initially. Please try playing it in various players and inform us on the result.

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